Product Photography for a range of roofing products.
Being Birmingham Product Photographers we are asked to photograph all kinds of items. Birmingham is renowned for having a large manufacturing industry, so we are kept quite busy.
This week we have been photographing plastic roofings parts for a local manufacturer.
In total we photographed around 30 new items. Each item was washed and blow dried before photographing. This gets rid of any grease and finger marks. We then spay the item with an anti static air can. This gets rid of most of the dust that is attracted to the plastic.
Each item is then photographed against a white background.
All products are then retouched in Adobe Photoshop getting rid of any blemishes and dust. The images are also sharpened. Finally the images have a clipping path added.
Each image is supplied to the client in both High and low resolution versions.
Birmingham Product Photographers.